PERFECT AMINO® delivers pure essential amino acids, the building blocks of protein, in an optimal ratio that’s up to 99% utilized—supporting protein synthesis without added calories or breaking a fast. Enhanced with nucleic acid building blocks for DNA/RNA health, it’s absorbed within 23-30 minutes.
Available in 6 flavors: Strawberry, Mixed Berry, Lemon Lime, Mocha, Chocolate, and Vanilla, plus NEW unflavored option with no added flavoring, citric, or malic acid.
100% Vegan/Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, Soy-Free, Dairy-Free, Sugar-Free, and free from toxins, MSG, and artificial sweeteners.
See how others use PERFECT AMINO™ and ask all your questions in our Facebook VIP Group.
PerfectAmino is pure essential amino acids (the building blocks of protein) in a precise form and ratio that is up to 99% utilized by the body to build new protein, muscle and collagen — but without the caloric impact, and without breaking a fast.
And it’s absorbed into the bloodstream within an average of 23-30 minutes.
It is further enhanced with Nucleic Acid Building Blocks (Nucleosides and Nucleotides), what our DNA and RNA are composed of.
This is important as our DNA and RNA are the genetic code and messaging molecules that form and shape our body.
By adding these to PERFECT AMINO® we optimize its use within the cell in the creation of new protein and muscle, helping to direct the process of protein synthesis and support genetic health and performance.
Beyond this, it contains no artificial sweeteners — no erythritol, aspartame, sucralose, neotame, or anything else.
Instead, we use a synergistic formulation of three key natural, plant-based sweeteners: Monk Fruit, Stevia Reb M (Natural, not Synthetic), and Katemfe Fruit (Thaumatococcus Daniellii) Extract.
But while each of these natural sweeteners are today cut with other artificial sweeteners due to the high cost of their actually natural forms (with some containing as little as 1% of the named natural sweetener), ours are the highest quality, most natural forms we could find, and contain no artificial sweeteners, fillers, or anything else.
We know, because we had them exactly chemically tested to ensure they did not contain any of these artificial sweeteners and were exactly what they said they were.
Every other source we checked and tested was found to contain a majority of hidden artificial sweeteners that we had to discover ourselves through extensive third party testing that we ordered.
With our exact formulation we now have both the best tasting amino acid product there is, and at the cleanest and most natural levels possible.
And we think you’re going to love it.
But how does PERFECT AMINO® work? Why is a 99% utilization rate important? And how is this different than other protein sources?
It’s widely known that whole eggs are a superior protein source to meats. And that both whole eggs and meats are superior to protein powders such as whey, pea, soy and collagen.
But why is this?
It has to do with their amino acid profiles as a protein.
Our body doesn’t get protein from protein. We don’t build muscle out of whey protein or meat proteins or soy proteins.
Instead, our body breaks these down into the building blocks that form them — the amino acids.
It then takes the essential amino acids from these and builds completely new proteins in the forms that the human body needs.
But the human body requires all of the essential amino acids and it needs them in a precise ratio one to another in order to make new protein.
If there is an excess of one or more, this excess can’t be used to synthesize new protein. Or if there is less of one needed for the overall ratio, this pulls down the amount of each of the others that can be used.
This leaves extra amino acids the body can’t use. But also, our body has no way to store amino acids. So these are converted into glucose (sugar) or body fat.
These extra amino acids are the actual source of calories in any protein we eat.
The power of PERFECT AMINO® is that it’s the exact essential amino acids, in the exact ratio needed to build new protein, but without the extra amino acids.
So we synthesize new protein, but without the caloric impact from excess, unused amino acids.
How does this compare to other protein sources?
This chart illustrates the Amino Acid Utilization (AAU™) that PERFECT AMINO® offers, dramatically greater than dietary protein sources.
BCAAs: At the bottom of the spectrum are branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). Our body requires all of the essential amino acids to build new protein. But BCAAs are only 3 amino acids. So the body utilizes only about 1% of BCAAs to build new protein, with the remaining 99% being converted to glucose in the body (sugar) of body fat.
Whey, Pea, and Soy proteins: Only 16%-18% of the amino acids in soy, pea, and whey proteins are utilized by the body to build new protein, with 82%-84% being excess amino acids.
Meat, fish, and poultry: Foods like meat, fish, and poultry fare better, with 32% being utilized and 68% going unused.
Eggs: Whole eggs are at the top, with a 48% utilization rate and only 52% converted to glucose or body fat. (Egg whites alone are only 16% utilized for new proteins).
PERFECT AMINO® is the precise ratio of essential amino acids needed by the body to build new protein, muscle and collagen — up to 99% utilized.
This means there is almost no caloric impact and it will not break a fast.
And by adding Nucleic Acid Building Blocks to PERFECT AMINO® we optimize its use within the cell in the creation of new protein and muscle, helping to direct the process of protein synthesis and support genetic health and performance.
You can learn more about how nucleic acid building blocks optimize protein synthesis in this article.
PERFECT AMINO® is 100% Vegan, free of Gluten, Soy, and Dairy.
And it is in a form that can be fully absorbed and utilized by almost anyone, no matter the state of their digestive system.
If taken 20-30 minutes before a workout, it is usually fully absorbed into the bloodstream by the time you start and able to help repair micro-tears in muscle as they occur, dramatically improving endurance and recovery time.
There is nothing else like it.
Click HERE for the PERFECT AMINO® Users Guide for best practices and results.
What are Nucleic Acid Building Blocks?
We know that PERFECT AMINO® provides the precise essential amino acids needed by the human body in a form and ratio that is utilized up to 99% to build new protein, muscle and collagen.
And it does this without the caloric impact, and without breaking a fast.
It truly is as perfect as it can be.
But we wanted the complete solution.
So we went deeper… into the process of protein synthesis itself.
You’ve heard of DNA and RNA. Our DNA is the blueprint every cell in our body is built on. And our RNA are the messaging molecules that take this information and instruct our cells on how to build every aspect of the human body from it.
But even more, these DNA and RNA actually direct the process of protein synthesis itself, telling our cells how to make the exact needed proteins to build every type of cell we have.
However, as we age, or due to toxins and harmful bacteria coming in from our environment, our DNA and RNA can become degraded and, over time, both the information itself, and its messengers, can start to become faulty.
If DNA was a recipe and RNA the chef following this recipe, this would amount to missing words or whole lines from the recipe itself or a chef who couldn’t quite read that recipe.
If we were making a cake this could lead to not enough yeast, or too much sugar in the final product.
So if we have even slightly faulty DNA or RNA, we can have all of the essential amino acids and other nutrients we need, but our cells have a lessened ability to use them or use them correctly to form new proteins and keep our body as it once was.
But we want perfection. Or as close to that as we can get.
So how do we enhance this process?
We add in Nucleic Acid Building Blocks, the building blocks of DNA and RNA.
Where PerfectAmino provides the precise building blocks of protein for the human body, these Nucleic Acid building blocks provide the elements needed for our DNA and RNA and so help to optimize the actual process of protein synthesis itself.
Now, when we take PerfectAmino, our cells get all of this at the same time, optimizing the use of the essential amino acids within our cells.
With this we now have the full solution.
This is the first advance in protein synthesis in decades. We are optimizing the actual utilization system for the synthesis of protein.
No other supplement has this.
We hope you enjoy this as much as we do.
Naturally Sweetened
You already know about the recent upgrade to PERFECT AMINO®, the inclusion of Nucleic Acid Building Blocks to help direct the process of protein synthesis and so ensure the highest utilization of PerfectAmino within our cells. This is included in our PERFECT AMINO® Tablets, Powders & Electrolytes.
But now we have another upgrade to share, one we’re equally excited about.
We have always strived to provide you with the healthiest, most natural products we can. Because we want you to be the healthiest you can be.
You’ve probably heard or read about artificial sweeteners being used more and more in everything from foods and drinks, to supplements and protein powders.
In fact, about 99% of the products on the market today contain artificial sweeteners, more than is even listed in many cases.
And many of them can be quite bad for us.
Which is why we have natural, plant-based sweeteners, such as stevia and monk fruit, right?
Well… Unfortunately, to save money, many ingredient providers add additional ingredients to these “natural” sweeteners, in many cases leaving the actual amount of real stevia or monk fruit at not just less than half of the total sweetener, but down to as little as 1%.
So you think you’re getting 100% stevia or monk fruit, but you’re very likely getting a mixture of 40%, 20% or even 1% actual stevia or monk fruit, and up to 99% erythritol, or even worse, an artificial sweetener like aspartame, sucralose or neotame.
Even when they say “Pure” or “Natural.”
And these sweeteners have been associated with some very real health troubles.
Even worse, while these other ingredients are sometimes listed on the ingredients panel, more often than not, the amounts used are more than are listed. Or, they’re just not listed at all and can only be found with exact chemical testing.
We know, because we’ve done third party tests to find out what is actually in different sweeteners marked as “pure” or “all natural”.
There are even synthetic variants of natural sweeteners now which can legally be labeled natural.
Well, we don’t agree.
We don’t care about the cost. We want only the best for you, for ourselves, and for everyone who uses our products.
So we searched, extensively, to find the best and most natural sweetening formulation system we could, that we could verify as being the most natural available… and we assembled it.
We’re very excited to announce that PerfectAmino Powder now contains a synergistic formulation of three key natural and plant-based sweeteners, and no artificial sweeteners.
First we use natural monk fruit, with no additional sweeteners, fillers, or anything else. It contains no erythritol, many others do.
Then we add in Stevia Reb M, the highest quality, purest, and rarest extract from the stevia leaf (there is only .1% of this extract in the stevia leaf itself). And no, this is not the synthetic version that is now being sold legally as “Natural.”
Most other brands use a lower and less pure form called Stevia Reb A, and many don’t even use this purely. They also add erythritol to it, often not disclosed. We use 100% Stevia Reb M, which is the highest quality and the most expensive, and it has no erythritol or anything else added to it.
And finally we add in the Katemfe Fruit (Thaumatococcus Daniellii) Extract of West Africa, which is probably the most expensive ingredient on the market, at roughly 30-50 times the cost of Stevia and Monk Fruit, which acts as a key synergizing agent for our formula.
After extensive and exhaustive research, our source, for which we have an exclusive arrangement, is the only one we’ve come across that meets the FDA and European regulatory standards.
Every other source we checked and tested was found to contain hidden artificial sweeteners that we had to discover ourselves through extensive third party testing that we ordered.
With our exact formulation we now have both the best tasting amino acid product there is, and at the cleanest and most natural levels possible.
And we think you’re going to love it.
Get the very best results for your body
We know that PERFECT AMINO® provides the precise essential amino acids needed by the human body in a form and ratio that is utilized up to 99% to build new protein, muscle and collagen, but without the caloric impact, and without breaking a fast.
But because of how essential these amino acids are to every system in the body, PA’s effects can be quite far-reaching.
So different people take it for different reasons: for faster recovery, to build lean muscle, to assist in fat loss, to prevent muscle and bone deterioration, to improve overall health, and much more.
And for each goal there is an exact amount, timing, and usage needed.
We cover all of this in the PerfectAmino Usage & Dosage Guide: exactly how much to take, when, and how often to help you best achieve your goals.
It’s quite helpful.
And make sure to join our Facebook VIP Group if you haven’t already, where you can ask all of your questions and we can help you with anything you need.
We’ll see you there!
- L-Leucine
- L–Valine
- L–Isoleucine
- L–Lysine Hydrochloride
- L–Phenylalanine
- L–Threonine
- L–Methionine
- L–Tryptophan
- L-Histidine
- Uridine
- Adenosine Triphosphate
- Thymidine
- Adenine
- 2′-Deoxyadenosine
- 2′-Deoxyguanosine
- 2′-Deoxycytidine
Perfect Amino is free from:
- Fat
- Yeast
- Gluten
- Soy
- Corn
- Wheat
- Rice
- Preservatives
- Dairy
- Animal products
- Erythritol
- Aspartame
- Sucralose
- Neotame
- And any other artificial or synthetic sweeteners
Perfect Amino Powder Mocha has 20mg of natural caffeine (from Green Tea)
Perfect Amino Powder Unflavored is lightly sweetened to balance the taste, without any added flavoring, citric acid, or malic acid.
This unique formulation contains NO binders, NO fillers, NO stearates, NO coating, and NO dyes. It is vegan sourced for 100% Nutrition.
Other Ingredients: Natural Flavors, Citric Acid (from Cassava), L-Malic Acid, Stevia (Rebaudioside M) Extract, Monk Fruit (Luo Han Guo), Himalayan Pink Salt, Katemfe Fruit (Thaumatococcus Daniellii) Extract.
Perfect Amino Powder Labels
Frequently Asked Questions about PERFECT AMINO®
A: PERFECT AMINO® dietary supplement is utilized up to 99% to help build new protein, muscle & collagen without the caloric impact & without breaking a fast.
It is supplemented with Nucleic Acid building blocks to help direct the process of Protein Synthesis.
1 scoop (or 5 tablets) provides 5 grams with the utilization comparable to dietary protein consumption of (on average): 29 grams of whey, soy, dairy or nuts. 15 grams of meat, poultry and fish. 10 grams of eggs.
A: Our PERFECT AMINO® formula contains the precise amino acid building blocks of protein for maximum utilization. Nucleic Acid Building Blocks (Nucleotides and Nucleosides) are the building blocks of DNA and RNA, the genetic codes that determine exactly how these amino acids are used in our bodies.
Adding these to our PERFECT AMINO® supplement supports its use within the cells to create new protein, by helping to direct the process of protein synthesis.
Q: WHAT ARE ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS?A: Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, used to build cells, tissue, nerves, hormones and enzymes, and to perform thousands of other critical functions within the human body. There are both essential amino acids, which the body cannot make on its own and so must receive from an outside source, and non-essential amino acids the body can make on its own if it has all of the essential amino acids.
A: The amino acids in PERFECT AMINO® are derived from plant-based sources that are broken down and separated into free-form amino acids, resulting in pure, pharmaceutical-grade amino acids. There are no remaining plant residues or sugars, yeast, gluten, soy, corn, wheat, rice, preservatives or excipients. PERFECT AMINO®™ is vegan sourced and produced in FDA registered, cGMP Certified facilities in the USA.
A: Please see our usage guide to determine how much you should take for optimal results.
A: Yes. Whether you are 15 or 75 years old, an amateur, or a professional athlete, you may experience positive results related to your muscle mass, strength, and endurance. The results may vary, of course, according to your age, gender, health status, and the intensity and frequency of your workout.
A: For most people, PERFECT AMINO® is digested within approximately 23-30 minutes from its ingestion. However, individual results may vary.
A: No. PERFECT AMINO® does not have any drug or food interaction. However, before taking PERFECT AMINO® or any other dietary supplements, you should always consult your physician.
A: It is not recommended to take other protein supplements in conjunction with PERFECT AMINO®. Doing so can lower BPS/min (Blood Protein Synthesis per minute), causing an increase in nitrogen catabolites, and resulting in slowed digestion and lowered utilization of PERFECT AMINO®.
A: Many people can feel or measure an increase in muscle endurance after the first or second time using PERFECT AMINO® (in the suggested dosage). If you take PERFECT AMINO® during physical activity, you should experience a continual increase in muscle mass, strength, and endurance, joined with a shortened recovery period.
A: PERFECT AMINO® dietary supplement is utilized with up to 99% efficiency, by providing essential amino acids in the exact ratio to help build new protein, muscle and collagen, without the caloric impact and without breaking a fast.
Eight essential amino acids in the PERFECT AMINO® formula are: L-Leucine, L–Valine, L–Isoleucine, L–Lysine HCl, L–Phenylalanine, L–Threonine, L–Methionine and L–Tryptophan.
Our bodies cannot manufacture essential amino acids. They must be obtained from food or through supplementation. Some scientific literature refers to Histidine as a ninth essential amino acid, while other scientific studies show that Histidine is not an essential amino acid, but more accurately, a conditionally essential amino acid.
This means that the human body is capable of producing Histidine, but not necessarily by all people in sufficient quantities, particularly for specific groups, namely: infants, some elderly persons, and medically compromised individuals.
To better support all people, PERFECT AMINO® has been reformulated, which includes a small quantity of Histidine, as well as other upgrades.
A: The word “Stevia” covers several different extracts, or Steviol Glycosides as they’re called, from the plant Stevia Rebaudiana.
The stevia most people have used or tasted in foods and drinks is Stevia Reb A, short for rebaudioside-A, the most abundant steviol in the Stevia Plant. If you purchase a product labeled as Stevia, it is almost certain that it is Stevia Reb A.
Reb M, on the other hand, is the rarest extract, making up only 0.1% of a whole stevia leaf.
This makes Stevia Reb A much more common, and so, much less expensive.
The main differences between natural Stevia Reb M and Reb A is that Reb M is sweeter than Reb A, and also does not have the same somewhat bitter aftertaste that Reb A has.
Due to this aftertaste, and because it’s much less expensive, many ingredient manufacturers add additional sweeteners to Stevia Reb A, such as erythritol. This is even the case when the stevia you buy says “100% Pure Stevia” on the front, or “pure,” or “all natural.” If you look on the back, however, it may show you that Stevia is actually the second ingredient after erythritol or another artificial sweetener.
Even more, many stevias “made from” Reb A actually contain less stevia than they say, some as little as 1% of the total product. And this is not disclosed in the ingredients.
This is one reason some people “have trouble with Stevia.” In many cases it’s not the stevia they have trouble with, but the hidden other sweeteners they didn’t know were there.
Also, as the popularity of Stevia Reb M has grown recently, to cut costs, several companies have now created a synthetic version of Reb M which they can legally claim as natural, and do. Yet, it is fully synthetic and contains no actual stevia extract.
Our Stevia Reb M is the highest quality stevia and fully natural, not synthetic. It contains no other sweetening agents.
It is pure Stevia Reb M from the Stevia Rebaudiana plant.
While this makes it much more expensive for us, it ensures that you are getting the most natural and best tasting product we can provide.
Katemfe Fruit Extract is extracted from the Katemfe Fruit of West Africa, where the fruit is wild harvested, through foraging.
It is quite rare and the most expensive natural sweetener on the market, some 30-50 times more expensive than stevia or monk fruit, based on their market prices for the highest tier of purity and quality.
We use it as a synergizing agent between our natural sweeteners (Stevia Reb M and Monk Fruit) and the essential amino acids that make up PerfectAmino. It has a glycemic index impact of zero, is all natural, and is plant based.
This was an ingredient we researched and tested extensively as, while there are multiple distributors of Katemfe Fruit Extract, or Thaumatin, all others we found were partially or wholly composed of the artificial sweeteners Neotame or Aspartame, not pure Katemfe Fruit Extract. This was not disclosed by nearly every distributor we found, but we discovered it on our in depth third party analytical testings.
Our source, with whom we have an exclusive partnership, is the only one we’ve come across that meets the FDA and European regulatory standards and provides pure Katemfe Fruit Extract, without any adulterants or artificial sweeteners.
While true Katemfe Fruit Extract is one of the most expensive ingredients on the market, it was necessary to ensure you not only receive the best tasting amino acid supplement you can get, but at the same time the most clean and natural possible.
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