This package includes:
- 1 Bottle of PerfectAmino 120 servings in either Tablet or Powder Form (Lemon Lime, Chocolate, Vanilla, Mocha, Unflavored powder flavors come in two 60 serving bottles)
- 1 Bottle of Omega 3 Health
- 1 Bottle of Digestive Enzymes
- 1 Bottle of Multi Complete
- 1 Bottle of PerfectAmino Electrolytes 30 servings
Why A Fat Loss Protocol
If you ever felt alone in your struggle to lose fat and keep it off — you’re not.
There’s a reason weight loss programs in America are a $72 billion per year industry.
In the past forty-plus years, the percentage of obese Americans have increased from slightly less than 10% to more than 40%, according to the CDC.
But this isn’t due to laziness or lack of discipline on our part. No. We have modern foods to blame for this.
Our diets have changed drastically in the past few decades, both in the type of foods we eat, and the amount of processing these foods now undergo.
But even more drastic is how they affect our hormones — the chemicals in our body that decide whether or not to create fat, burn fat, or hold onto fat.
If we purely follow the “calorie counting” method, then weight loss is a simple matter of cutting calories. (A calorie is just a measurement of the amount of energy in food, and we measure this because your body uses this food for energy.)
The idea here is that if you eat more calories (energy) than your body needs, it will turn the extra calories into fat (stored energy).
And, if you eat less calories than your body needs, it will cause your body to burn fat to release energy, so you’ll lose fat.
This is completely true. Every pound of fat on your body contains about 3,500 calories — a couple of full meals for most people.
So, if you have extra fat on your body, and you cut down your calories to be less than your body’s daily energy needs, your body should be forced to burn calories from the fat. So we have fat loss.
The only problem here is the word “should”. It should do this, but that isn’t always the case.
This is because, while the extra fat is from calories you ate, it’s your hormones that decide whether or not to burn that fat.
Hormones direct everything regarding fat creation and fat loss.
It’s hormones that tell your cells to turn calories into fat, and it’s hormones that will say to burn that body fat for energy… if they decide to.
Hormones could just as easily decide not to burn the body fat — even when you’re starving yourself by cutting calories.
And, if they do let you burn body fat, other hormones can keep you feeling starving, even when you’re not, so that you give in and gain it all right back again.
That’s why many people struggle to lose excess body fat they don’t want, or keep it off after they have.
It’s not just about calories, but about the hormones that decide what to do with those calories.
When our hormones are in balance and functioning, we have no problem losing fat quickly and keeping it off.
We don’t experience cravings for junk food.
When we’re hungry we eat, and when we’ve eaten enough, we don’t feel hungry anymore.
It’s simple, and that’s how it should be.
The problem is our modern foods throwing our hormones out of balance so that our body can’t operate as it’s supposed to.
When we correct the foods we consume and balance the hormones, we have a body that naturally loses fat when it has extra weight, and a body that is hungry when it needs food and not hungry when it doesn’t.
Welcome to the 30-Day Fat Loss Challenge, just purchase your Fat Loss Package and then go here for WEEK ONE.
The 30-Fat Loss Day Challenge
Welcome to the 30 Day Fat Loss Challenge!
We’ve worked to cover all of the information we could — every piece of the puzzle you need.
Those who read all of it and follow the full protocol, achieve the full results, in some cases losing as much as 15 pounds in 30 days.
They aren’t hungry, they have higher energy levels, they feel better mentally, and they’re much healthier overall.
Plus, they keep the weight off.
Knowing what you are addressing, why you are doing what you are doing, and what is happening within your body at different stages is KEY.
It gets you results and puts you in control of your health for the long term.
This guide is cut into four sections that run parallel to what you will be doing and experiencing during each week of the program.
In each one you will study key information you need for that week and then get started right away.
Then there is additional information for that week that expands on what you already read, and you can just study this as you go along if you choose to.
This format will then continue through weeks two, three, and four.
This way you’ll be able to get started right away, while also getting the information you need for long term success, and by the end of this 30-day protocol:
- You will no longer have sugar cravings (or they’ll be almost gone).
- You will have lost inches of body fat.
- Your hormones will be balanced, or well on the way to being so.
- Your mood and energy levels will be much higher.
- Your muscle tone will have improved markedly.
- And… you won’t be gaining it all back afterwards
But even more importantly, you’ll now understand yourself much more and you will be in control of your health.
So let’s get started.
We’re going to cover some key data for week one, so you understand exactly what we’re doing and why, and then we’ll jump right into the protocol so you have time to prepare.
Go here for WEEK ONE.
Q: Can I do this if I have heartburn, GERD, gas, or indigestion?
A: Yes you can. These conditions may be caused by low stomach acid causing the food in your stomach to take longer to break down. In this case, we recommend taking a digestive enzyme that helps produce stomach acid.
Q: Can I take too much PerfectAmino?
A: Yes and no. We often tell people not to take more than 2 servings at a time unless they are over 200 lbs in weight. But this is because we don’t want you to waste your PerfectAmino, not because extra will harm you.
Amino acids will usually remain in your bloodstream for about 2-3 hours after being consumed and more than 2 servings likely won’t be utilized fully for most people. However, if you would like to take more to see if it will help, this won’t harm you. Even if one serving of PerfectAmino were fully un-utilized for protein building, it would only be converted to 10-20 calories. It would be like taking an extra 5 grams of whey protein.
Q: I’m worried about too much protein harming my liver and kidneys?
A: Since 99% of PerfectAmino is utilized to build new protein and collagen (by replacing out other partially utilized protein sources that overwork the liver and kidneys) and because there is little to no nitrogen waste, you will actually greatly reduce the load on them.
Q: What should I do if I’m currently taking hormones?
A: This shouldn’t be a problem, however, we recommend you consult with your physician if you have concerns about this.
Q: I’m currently under a doctor’s care, do I have to let them know?
A: Yes. If you are currently seeing a doctor do let them know about this program and that you would like to participate before starting. They should be fully informed so that they can give you any needed personal advice to ensure you do the best that you can.
Q: What if I’m on medication?
A: We recommend you consult with your physician if you are concerned with an interaction with a medication you are taking. We are not allowed to consult with you in a medical capacity.
The supplements on this program are very specifically chosen and each have an exact purpose and function. Make sure that you do not skimp on any.
With PerfectAmino we start to:
- Re-balance the hormones that regulate our energy and body fat,
- Restructure our cells so they’re able to burn fat as fuel, not just sugar,
- Lower cravings for sugar,
- Repair the cells in the lining of our small intestine from proper digestion and nutrition,
- And provide the building blocks of new protein for muscle, bone, ligaments and much more.
Omega 3 fatty Acids help to:
- Make our cells more fluid,
- Lower Cortisol levels,
- Rebalance Hunger hormones,
- And improve the overall health of our cells.
Due to our current diets, most of us do not have fully functioning guts. Digestive Enzymes help by:
- Providing the enzymes necessary to fully break down the food we eat so we get all of the nutrients we need from it,
- Kill harmful bacteria that enter our stomach and harm our intestine,
- Fully break down proteins into individual amino acids so they can be used to build new protein in the body
Many vitamins are necessary to fully functioning cells and, without these, we cannot achieve the energy levels we need, or burn the body fat we would like to.
Our cells and nerves operate off of an electrical system and it is electrolytes that allow this system to function. When our electrolytes are low, our ability to burn body fat reduces.
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