This package is intended to be used in conjunction with the Gut Health Protocol.
This package includes:
- 1 Bottle of Gut Restore
- 1 Bottle of PerfectAmino 120 servings in either Tablet or Powder Form (Lemon Lime and Mocha Powder flavors come in two 60 serving bottles)
- 1 Bottle Gut Defense
- 1 Bottle Digestive Enzymes
Note: This package is intended to be used in conjunction with the Gut Health Protocol for best results.
Our Digestive Tract is a very exact system.
It’s designed to break down food and nutrients into forms our bodies can absorb and utilize, keep out or kill harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, and toxins coming in with our food and water, and provide beneficial neurotransmitters to our nervous system, among many other things.
When everything works as it’s supposed to, and our diet is correct, it does a pretty good job of this.
However, due to the types of processed foods we eat today, which harmful bacteria, parasites, and fungi thrive on, as well as low amounts of digestive acid and enzymes due to this, in most cases we have much of our foods not being broken down enough for our bodies to utilize the nutrition in them, and harmful microorganisms taking root in our small intestine, our colon, and even our stomach.
But these organisms don’t just eat our food.
They produce the gas that gives us bloating.
They release bio-toxins that slowly poison the cells that make up our intestinal lining, and the beneficial bacteria in our colon that help to produce vital neurotransmitters like GABA and serotonin.
They overload our immune system so that other harmful bacteria or viruses don’t get killed off as they should.
They degrade the lining of our intestine, injuring or killing cells and creating “leaks” that these and other micro-organisms can use to enter the bloodstream, sowing infection in the body, as well as allowing harmful toxins through into our bloodstream.
And when they break through, they attack our immune tissue, our number one defense against illness, weakening us against both themselves and other microbes.
Even more, they create biofilms around themselves that hide them, so that even if we strengthen our immune system, our immune cells won’t be able to find and destroy them, so they can thrive.
Biofilms are where microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses form a colony and attach themselves to some surface and secrete a slimy glue-like substance that shields and protects them.
The biofilms help the colony defend itself against antimicrobial treatments or immune cells or even antibiotics, and can be part of the reason that some wounds are difficult to heal, or persistent infections keep coming back.
Up to 80% of the infections in our bodies have to do with biofilms forming.
This is why it can be so hard to get rid of SIBO or candida or a parasite, they have a literal shield that even antibiotics cannot always get through, and our immune cells certainly can’t.
The products in the Gut Health Package are designed to assist the body in each vital aspect and help improve the condition, health and function of our entire digestive tract.
Try it today.
What Products Are Included?
Gut Defense is a proprietary formula that helps to support the body’s natural defense against harmful bacteria, fungi, and parasites that cause inflammation and infection in the intestinal tract.
Gut Defense acts to disrupt and clear away the biofilms that protect these harmful microbes fro our immune system so they can be disposed of.
PerfectAmino is pure essential amino acids in a form that is 99% utilized to build new protein and collagen in the human body. This is 3-6x greater than other protein sources, and with less than 1 calorie per serving produced.
PerfectAmino is fully absorbed within 20-30 minutes.
PerfectAmino is sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, and 100% vegan and non-GMO.
Gut Restore was specifically designed to address bloating, IBS, and Gluten reactions, maintain the gastrointestinal barrier, remove harmful bacteria, yeasts, and toxins, and maintain homeostasis of the digestive tract and microbiome.
Containing both ImmunoLin® and humic acid, and fortified with PerfectAmino essential amino acids, Gut Restore binds and neutralizes over 46 different antigens in our digestive tract.
These include H. Pylori, Candida Albicans, Gliadin (the reactionary protein in gluten), Aflatoxins and much more.
Digestive Enzymes help to break down proteins, carbohydrates, fats and minerals that we consume so they can be fully absorbed and utilized by our body.
When digestive acid and enzymes are low, we experience heartburn and acid reflux, and harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites are able to make through into the small intestine where they can take root.
Digestive Enzymes help to prevent harmful microbes from making their way in through food and water.
Product Labels
Who is the Gut Health Package for?
Those who experience heart burn or acid reflux.*
Those experiencing gas and bloating or a protruding stomach.*
Those with gastrointestinal issues, IBS, or frequent diarrhea.*
Those sensitive to wheat and gluten. This can be taken after eating.*
Those with Candid Albicans, H. Pylori, C. Diff, and Lipopolysaccharides (LPS).*
For those looking to heal the lining of their stomach and intestine.*
For those looking to prevent the absorption of harmful bacteria, yeasts and toxins into their body.*
For those with skin disruptions.*
Those looking to support a healthy gastrointestinal tract*
Those have had trouble completing fat loss protocols*
Those experiencing heavy sugar cravings*
Anyone seeking to balance immune function*
Anyone doing a Chemical Cleanse or Detox*
For those seeking an annual or semi-annual cleanse/microbial reset*
Those addressing brain fog, fatigue, or sugar cravings.*
Usage Guide
Note: this package is intended to be used in conjunction with the Gut Health Protocol for best results.
Gut Defense:
Gut Defense is a very powerful formula, and very effective. See Gut Defense for full instructions.
For best results it’s important to take it exactly as stated, and also not to overdo it.
As bacterial die-off can create a mild “detox effect”, start by taking one capsule per day, with or without food.
If after a few days you experience no issues, raise this to two capsules per day, taken separately.
If after a few more days there is no issue, raise this to 3 capsules per day, taken separately.
If you experience any uncomfortableness, simply lower the amount you are taking until it passes. This is normal and expected, and should pass soon.
Gut Restore:
While Gut restore can be taken at any time of day, it is best taken 30 minutes before eating food, and 1-2 hours after eating food. Just mix with 8-12 ounces of cold water.
For overall health, protection of gut lining and defense against harmful pathogens, take one scoop before bed or mid morning, before lunch daily.
To address a gluten reaction, take one scoop immediately after eating.
When addressing a bacterial infection, bloating, or other digestive distress as part of a protocol, take one serving mid morning and another serving before bed.
And when addressing extreme digestive infestation, take up to 4 servings spread throughout the day.
However, it is not harmful to take more than this.
To fully address a current bacterial or yeast infection, take for 4 months continuously in conjunction with Gut Defense (for address of SIBO) to ensure fully gone.
If you experience any detox effects while dressing an ongoing infection due to bacterial or fungal die-off, take 5 capsules of Relief, containing turmeric, curcumin and boswellia.
Digestive Enzymes:
Start with 1 capsule per meal, taken with food (not before or after eating).
If symptoms of heartburn or acid reflux exist or persist, raise this to 2 capsules per meal, taken with food, until symptoms no longer exist.
Take 3-4 servings per day.
Take 2 servings first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach.
Take the other 1-2 servings in the afternoon or an hour before dinner o an empty stomach.
As the harmful bacteria, fungi and parasites that Gut Defense targets are often fed on sugars, especially processed sugars and starches, it’s important to keep these out of one’s diet while taking Gut Defense.
If one doesn’t, they may be feeding these same organisms while Gut Defense is trying to address them, thus preventing improvement.
A diet high in whole-food proteins, healthy fats, and vegetables is the most effective when taking Gut Defense.
Note: Take Gut Defense for approximately 4 months to achieve full results.
The Gut Health Essential Package is intended to be taken in conjunction with the Gut Health Protocol.
Do not take Gut Defense if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
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